Amos Cometes vs Trois-Rivieres Lions

Created - 10 octobre 2022 at 21:25

Simulating a Pre-Season

1 2 3 OT1 SO T
Amos Cometes 0 1 1 0 1 3
Trois-Rivieres Lions 1 1 0 0 0 2
1 2 3 OT1 SO T
Amos Cometes 3 8 5 3 3 19
Trois-Rivieres Lions 8 12 2 1 3 23

1st period

1. Trois-Rivieres Lions , Nathan Gerbe 2 (Devin Shore 2) at 6:26

Penalties :
Madison Bowey (AMO) for Holding (Minor) at 1:55

2nd period

2. Amos Cometes , Lukas Elvenes 1 (Linus Sandin 1, Madison Bowey 3) at 5:03
3. Trois-Rivieres Lions , Nicolas Aube-Kubel 1 (Dennis Cholowski 1, Devin Shore 3) at 18:00 (PP)

Penalties :
Ben Harpur (F23) for Fighting (Major) at 1:29, Simon Holmstrom (AMO) for Fighting (Major) at 1:29, Daniel Sprong (AMO) for Roughing (Minor) at 2:33, Nicolas Aube-Kubel (F23) for Holding (Minor) at 3:16, Rasmus Sandin (AMO) for Roughing (Double Minor) at 7:00, Martin Kaut (AMO) for High sticking (Minor) at 12:12, Ty Smith (AMO) for Hooking (Minor) at 15:17, Ty Smith (AMO) for Holding Stick (Minor) at 17:33, Rafael Harvey-Pinard (F23) for Roughing (Minor) at 19:58, Madison Bowey (AMO) for Holding (Minor) at 19:58

3rd period

4. Amos Cometes , Jasper Weatherby 3 (Tyler Madden 1) at 11:36

Penalties :
No Penalty

Overtime #1

No Goal

Penalties :
No Penalty


Amos Cometes, Daniel Sprong - Shot Misses the Net
Trois-Rivieres Lions, Jason Dickinson - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin
Amos Cometes, Cole Perfetti - Goal!
Trois-Rivieres Lions, Kevin Rooney - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin
Amos Cometes, Jasper Weatherby - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev
Trois-Rivieres Lions, Devin Shore - Shot Misses the Net

Penalties :
No Penalty

Goalie Stats

Mikhail Berdin (AMO), 21 saves from 23 shots - (0,913), W, 2-3-0, 65:00 minutes
Alexandar Georgiev (F23), 17 saves from 19 shots - (0,895), OTL, 1-2-1, 65:00 minutes

Players Stats for Amos Cometes

Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB GA TA FO     MP     PP MP  PK MP  
Cole Perfetti            0  0  0   0  0   4  1  0  0  0  10/15  22:09   0:00   5:52 
Daniel Sprong            0  0  0   0  2   2  1  0  0  0  5/16   19:29   0:00   5:03 
Dylan Holloway           0  0  0   0  0   0  2  0  0  0  9/9    12:36   0:00   0:00 
Jacob Bernard-Docker     0  0  0   0  0   0  0  1  0  0  0/0    16:18   0:00   1:19 
Jasper Weatherby         1  0  1   1  0   3  1  0  0  0  6/10   18:17   0:00   4:05 
Linus Sandin             0  1  1   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0    10:02   0:00   0:00 
Lukas Elvenes            1  0  1   0  0   2  2  1  0  0  0/1    11:53   0:00   0:00 
Lukas Reichel            0  0  0   0  0   1  0  0  0  0  2/3    17:31   0:00   1:09 
Madison Bowey            0  1  1   1  4   0  3  1  0  0  0/0    15:31   0:00   2:59 
Martin Kaut              0  0  0   0  2   4  1  0  0  0  0/0    18:11   0:00   3:07 
Mathias Emilio Pettersen 0  0  0   0  0   1  0  0  0  0  3/10   12:58   0:00   2:56 
Noel Gunler              0  0  0   1  0   1  1  0  0  0  0/0    10:51   0:00   0:00 
Rasmus Sandin            0  0  0   0  4   0  3  1  0  0  0/0    23:11   0:00   3:36 
Simon Holmstrom          0  0  0   0  5   1  0  0  0  0  0/1    11:32   0:00   0:00 
Timothy Liljegren        0  0  0   0  0   0  3  1  0  0  0/0    24:15   0:00   4:38 
Ty Smith                 0  0  0   0  4   0  4  1  0  0  0/0    22:31   0:00   3:12 
Tyler Madden             0  1  1   1  0   0  1  0  0  0  12/16  11:24   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   1  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 

Players Stats for Trois-Rivieres Lions

Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB GA TA FO     MP     PP MP  PK MP  
Alex Belzile             0  0  0  -1  0   0  1  0  0  0  6/19   17:55   1:33   0:00 
Ben Harpur               0  0  0  -1  5   0  1  0  0  0  0/0    18:25   4:21   0:00 
Brett Howden             0  0  0  -1  0   2  1  0  0  0  0/2    22:27   4:59   0:00 
Carsen Twarynski         0  0  0  -1  0   0  1  0  0  0  0/0    18:24   0:56   0:00 
Dennis Cholowski         0  1  1  -1  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0    19:51   4:37   0:00 
Devin Shore              0  2  2   1  0   4  0  0  0  0  14/30  21:09   4:36   0:00 
Jason Dickinson          0  0  0  -1  0   5  3  0  0  0  11/25  24:11   5:30   0:00 
Jaycob Megna             0  0  0   0  0   3  0  0  0  0  0/0    23:23   6:29   0:00 
Kevin Bahl               0  0  0   0  0   0  2  1  0  0  0/0    22:56   5:58   0:00 
Kevin Rooney             0  0  0  -1  0   0  0  0  0  0  1/1    24:11   5:30   0:00 
Nathan Gerbe             1  0  1   1  0   5  2  2  0  0  1/1    20:02   4:51   0:00 
Nicolas Aube-Kubel       1  0  1   1  2   4  5  1  0  0  0/0    20:28   4:52   0:00 
Rafael Harvey-Pinard     0  0  0  -1  2   0  0  2  0  0  1/3    20:35   1:17   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  1  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Unknown Player           0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 

3 Stars

1 - Nathan Gerbe (F23)
2 - Jasper Weatherby (AMO)
3 - Nicolas Aube-Kubel (F23)

Power Play

Amos Cometes - 0 on 1 Attempt(s) - 0,00%
Trois-Rivieres Lions - 1 on 7 Attempt(s) - 14,29%

Penalty Kill

Amos Cometes - 6 on 7 Attempt(s) - 85,71% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill
Trois-Rivieres Lions - 1 on 1 Attempt(s) - 100,00% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill

Team Stat

Amos Cometes - Hits : 23 - Faceoff Wins : 47 - Blocked Shots : 6 - Penalty Minutes : 21
Trois-Rivieres Lions - Hits : 17 - Faceoff Wins : 34 - Blocked Shots : 6 - Penalty Minutes : 9


Referees : Greg Kimmerly and Brian Pochmara
Linesman : Andy McElman and Brian Mach

Game Notes

Ben Harpur beats up Simon Holmstrom at 1:29 of 2nd period

Amos Cometes

5 vs 5 Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Cole Perfetti            Lukas Reichel            Daniel Sprong            40     1   2  2  
 2 Dylan Holloway           Simon Holmstrom          Martin Kaut              30     1   2  2  
 3 Tyler Madden             Jasper Weatherby         Noel Gunler              20     1   2  2  
 4 Mathias Emilio Pettersen Lukas Elvenes            Linus Sandin             10     1   2  2  

5 vs 5 Defense 
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Rasmus Sandin            Timothy Liljegren                                 40     1   2  2  
 2 Ty Smith                 Jacob Bernard-Docker                              30     1   2  2  
 3 Unknown Player           Madison Bowey                                     20     1   2  2  
 4 Ty Smith                 Timothy Liljegren                                 10     1   2  2  

PowerPlay Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Cole Perfetti            Jasper Weatherby         Daniel Sprong            60     1   2  2  
 2 Dylan Holloway           Simon Holmstrom          Martin Kaut              40     1   2  2  

PowerPlay Defense
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Timothy Liljegren        Ty Smith                                          60     1   2  2  
 2 Rasmus Sandin            Unknown Player                                    40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Daniel Sprong            Cole Perfetti            60     1   2  2  
 2 Jasper Weatherby         Martin Kaut              40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Timothy Liljegren        Ty Smith                 60     1   2  2  
 2 Rasmus Sandin            Unknown Player           40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward 
   Forward                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Daniel Sprong                                     60     1   2  2  
 2 Cole Perfetti                                     40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Timothy Liljegren        Ty Smith                 60     1   2  2  
 2 Rasmus Sandin            Unknown Player           40     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Daniel Sprong            Cole Perfetti            60     1   2  2  
 2 Jasper Weatherby         Martin Kaut              40     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Timothy Liljegren        Ty Smith                 60     1   2  2  
 2 Rasmus Sandin            Unknown Player           40     1   2  2  

Last Minutes Offensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Cole Perfetti            Jasper Weatherby         Daniel Sprong            Timothy Liljegren        Ty Smith                 

Last Minutes Defensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Cole Perfetti            Jasper Weatherby         Daniel Sprong            Timothy Liljegren        Ty Smith                 

Starting : Mikhail Berdin           
Backup : Hugo Alnefelt            

Extra Forwards
Normal : Lukas Reichel, Lukas Elvenes, Mathias Emilio Pettersen - PP : Lukas Reichel, Lukas Elvenes - PK : Mathias Emilio Pettersen
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Jacob Bernard-Docker, Madison Bowey, Rasmus Sandin - PP : Jacob Bernard-Docker - PK : Madison Bowey, Rasmus Sandin
Penalty Shots
Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti, Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut, Simon Holmstrom

Nick Bjugstad (Healthy), Martin Marincin (Healthy), Dominic Turgeon (Healthy), Michael Vukojevic (Healthy), Brendan Leipsic (Healthy)
Nikita Okhotyuk (Healthy), Nicholas Baptiste (Healthy)

Trois-Rivieres Lions

5 vs 5 Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jason Dickinson          Kevin Rooney             Brett Howden             40     1   2  2  
 2 Devin Shore              Nathan Gerbe             Nicolas Aube-Kubel       30     1   2  2  
 3 Alex Belzile             Rafael Harvey-Pinard     Carsen Twarynski         20     1   2  2  
 4 Jason Dickinson          Kevin Rooney             Devin Shore              10     1   2  2  

5 vs 5 Defense 
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jaycob Megna             Kevin Bahl                                        40     1   2  2  
 2 Ben Harpur               Dennis Cholowski                                  36     1   2  2  
 3 Unknown Player           Unknown Player                                    13     1   2  2  
 4 Dennis Cholowski         Kevin Bahl                                        11     1   2  2  

PowerPlay Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jason Dickinson          Kevin Rooney             Brett Howden             60     1   2  2  
 2 Devin Shore              Nathan Gerbe             Nicolas Aube-Kubel       40     1   2  2  

PowerPlay Defense
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jaycob Megna             Kevin Bahl                                        60     1   2  2  
 2 Ben Harpur               Dennis Cholowski                                  40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jason Dickinson          Kevin Rooney             60     1   2  2  
 2 Devin Shore              Brett Howden             40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jaycob Megna             Kevin Bahl               60     1   2  2  
 2 Ben Harpur               Dennis Cholowski         40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward 
   Forward                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jason Dickinson                                   60     1   2  2  
 2 Kevin Rooney                                      40     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jaycob Megna             Kevin Bahl               60     1   2  2  
 2 Ben Harpur               Dennis Cholowski         40     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jason Dickinson          Kevin Rooney             60     1   2  2  
 2 Devin Shore              Brett Howden             40     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Jaycob Megna             Kevin Bahl               60     1   2  2  
 2 Ben Harpur               Dennis Cholowski         40     1   2  2  

Last Minutes Offensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Jason Dickinson          Kevin Rooney             Brett Howden             Jaycob Megna             Kevin Bahl               

Last Minutes Defensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Jason Dickinson          Kevin Rooney             Brett Howden             Jaycob Megna             Kevin Bahl               

Starting : Alexandar Georgiev       
Backup : Veini Vehvilainen        

Extra Forwards
Normal : Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski - PP : Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard - PK : Carsen Twarynski
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski, Jaycob Megna - PP : Ben Harpur - PK : Dennis Cholowski, Jaycob Megna
Penalty Shots
Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Devin Shore, Brett Howden, Nicolas Aube-Kubel

Oscar Klefbom (Healthy), Vladislav Namestnikov (Healthy), Brent Seabrook (Healthy), Laurent Brossoit (Healthy)

% Time on Ice - Amos Cometes

Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 25% - 40% - 11:37
2 - 28% - 30% - 12:36
3 - 25% - 20% - 11:24
4 - 22% - 10% - 10:02
Normal Defense
1 - 32% - 40% - 14:37
2 - 31% - 30% - 14:21
3 - 34% - 20% - 15:26
4 - 3% - 10% - 1:15
PP Forward
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
PP Defense
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
PK Forward
1 - 63% - 60% - 7:01
2 - 37% - 40% - 4:05
PK Defense
1 - 42% - 60% - 4:38
2 - 58% - 40% - 6:28
PK3 Forward
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
PK3 Defense
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
44 Forward
1 - 70% - 60% - 5:46
2 - 30% - 40% - 2:29
44 Defense
1 - 45% - 60% - 3:45
2 - 55% - 40% - 4:30
Last Minute Offensive  - 0:00
Last Minute Defensive  - 0:00
Forward - 65:00
Defense - 65:00

% Time on Ice - Trois-Rivieres Lions

Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 32% - 40% - 14:23
2 - 33% - 30% - 15:11
3 - 31% - 20% - 14:20
4 - 4% - 10% - 1:45
Normal Defense
1 - 29% - 40% - 13:09
2 - 25% - 36% - 11:12
3 - 47% - 13% - 21:18
4 - 0% - 11% - 0:00
PP Forward
1 - 50% - 60% - 5:33
2 - 50% - 40% - 5:33
PP Defense
1 - 59% - 60% - 6:32
2 - 41% - 40% - 4:34
PK Forward
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
PK Defense
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
PK3 Forward
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
PK3 Defense
1 - 0% - 60%
2 - 0% - 40%
44 Forward
1 - 51% - 60% - 4:14
2 - 49% - 40% - 4:01
44 Defense
1 - 39% - 60% - 3:11
2 - 61% - 40% - 5:04
Last Minute Offensive  - 0:00
Last Minute Defensive  - 0:00
Forward - 65:00
Defense - 65:00


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone.
0:10 of 1st period - Shot by Lukas Reichel.
0:10 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:27 of 1st period - Off-side.
1:28 of 1st period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in neutral zone.
1:55 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Madison Bowey for Holding.
1:56 of 1st period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone.
2:05 of 1st period - Shot by Jaycob Megna.
2:05 of 1st period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound.
2:31 of 1st period - Shot by Brett Howden.
2:31 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:33 of 1st period - Shot by Jason Dickinson.
2:33 of 1st period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
2:34 of 1st period - Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
4:22 of 1st period - Icing by Mathias Emilio Pettersen.
4:23 of 1st period - Nathan Gerbe wins face-off versus Lukas Elvenes in Amos Cometes zone.
4:54 of 1st period - Icing by Madison Bowey.
4:55 of 1st period - Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Amos Cometes zone.
5:53 of 1st period - Shot by Brett Howden.
5:53 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:24 of 1st period - Icing by Madison Bowey.
6:25 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Amos Cometes zone.
6:26 of 1st period - Shot by Nathan Gerbe.
6:26 of 1st period - Goal by Nathan Gerbe - Amos Cometes : 0 - Trois-Rivieres Lions : 1.
6:27 of 1st period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
9:23 of 1st period - Shot by Lukas Reichel.
9:23 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:52 of 1st period - Shot by Noel Gunler.
9:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound.
9:53 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
10:06 of 1st period - Shot by Devin Shore.
10:06 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Lukas Elvenes.
10:22 of 1st period - Rasmus Sandin is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel.
10:47 of 1st period - Icing by Dennis Cholowski.
10:48 of 1st period - Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
11:23 of 1st period - Shot by Brett Howden.
11:23 of 1st period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
11:24 of 1st period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
11:35 of 1st period - Shot by Devin Shore.
11:35 of 1st period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
11:36 of 1st period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Tyler Madden in Amos Cometes zone.
12:01 of 1st period - Shot by Tyler Madden.
12:01 of 1st period - Deflect By Jasper Weatherby.
12:01 of 1st period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound.
12:02 of 1st period - Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
12:02 of 1st period - Alex Belzile is hit by Lukas Elvenes.
12:17 of 1st period - Alex Belzile is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck.
13:21 of 1st period - Nathan Gerbe is hit by Rasmus Sandin and loses puck.
13:53 of 1st period - Icing by Kevin Rooney.
13:54 of 1st period - Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Brett Howden in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
14:22 of 1st period - Off-side.
14:23 of 1st period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
14:32 of 1st period - Shot by Nathan Gerbe.
14:32 of 1st period - Shot Hit the Post.
14:49 of 1st period - Tyler Madden is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel and loses puck.
15:12 of 1st period - Devin Shore is hit by Tyler Madden and loses puck.
15:16 of 1st period - Off-side.
15:17 of 1st period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone.
15:23 of 1st period - Icing by Jaycob Megna.
15:24 of 1st period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
16:08 of 1st period - Icing by Jaycob Megna.
16:09 of 1st period - Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
16:10 of 1st period - Shot by Martin Kaut.
16:10 of 1st period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound.
16:12 of 1st period - Shot by Martin Kaut.
16:12 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:14 of 1st period - Shot by Dylan Holloway.
16:14 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:22 of 1st period - Kevin Rooney is hit by Dylan Holloway and loses puck.
17:31 of 1st period - Off-side.
17:32 of 1st period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in neutral zone.
17:39 of 1st period - Timothy Liljegren is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel and loses puck.
18:00 of 1st period - Shot by Nathan Gerbe.
18:00 of 1st period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound.
18:02 of 1st period - Shot by Nicolas Aube-Kubel.
18:02 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:04 of 1st period - Shot by Devin Shore.
18:04 of 1st period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound.
18:06 of 1st period - Shot by Nathan Gerbe.
18:06 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:08 of 1st period - Shot by Nathan Gerbe.
18:08 of 1st period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
18:09 of 1st period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone.
18:24 of 1st period - Carsen Twarynski is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck.
18:51 of 1st period - Alex Belzile is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck.
19:05 of 1st period - Icing by Alex Belzile.
19:06 of 1st period - Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
19:22 of 1st period - Off-side.
19:23 of 1st period - Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone.
Goals for this period are 0 for Amos Cometes vs 1 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.
Shots for this period are 3 for Amos Cometes vs 8 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone.
0:01 of 2nd period - Daniel Sprong is hit by Jason Dickinson.
1:29 of 2nd period - Ben Harpur beats up Simon Holmstrom.
1:29 of 2nd period - Penalty to Ben Harpur for Fighting.
1:29 of 2nd period - Penalty to Simon Holmstrom for Fighting.
1:30 of 2nd period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
2:19 of 2nd period - Icing by Alex Belzile.
2:20 of 2nd period - Mathias Emilio Pettersen wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
2:26 of 2nd period - Icing by Carsen Twarynski.
2:27 of 2nd period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
2:32 of 2nd period - Shot by Daniel Sprong.
2:32 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Rafael Harvey-Pinard.
2:33 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Daniel Sprong for Roughing.
2:34 of 2nd period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Amos Cometes zone.
3:03 of 2nd period - Shot by Jason Dickinson.
3:03 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
3:04 of 2nd period - Mathias Emilio Pettersen wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
3:04 of 2nd period - Cole Perfetti is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel and loses puck.
3:16 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Nicolas Aube-Kubel for Holding.
3:17 of 2nd period - Kevin Rooney wins face-off versus Lukas Reichel in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
3:42 of 2nd period - Shot by Jason Dickinson.
3:42 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound.
3:44 of 2nd period - Shot by Kevin Rooney.
3:44 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:46 of 2nd period - Shot by Kevin Rooney.
3:46 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
3:53 of 2nd period - Icing by Rasmus Sandin.
3:54 of 2nd period - Lukas Reichel wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
4:01 of 2nd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
4:01 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound.
4:23 of 2nd period - Jasper Weatherby is hit by Brett Howden and loses puck.
5:03 of 2nd period - Shot by Lukas Elvenes.
5:03 of 2nd period - Goal by Lukas Elvenes - Amos Cometes : 1 - Trois-Rivieres Lions : 1.
5:04 of 2nd period - Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
5:07 of 2nd period - Nathan Gerbe is hit by Dylan Holloway and loses puck.
5:46 of 2nd period - Carsen Twarynski is hit by Martin Kaut.
6:06 of 2nd period - Icing by Brett Howden.
6:07 of 2nd period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
6:49 of 2nd period - Dennis Cholowski is hit by Jasper Weatherby and loses puck.
6:59 of 2nd period - Alex Belzile is hit by Rasmus Sandin and loses puck.
7:00 of 2nd period - Double Minor Penalty to Rasmus Sandin for Roughing.
7:01 of 2nd period - Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
8:10 of 2nd period - Kevin Rooney is hit by Daniel Sprong and loses puck.
8:25 of 2nd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
8:25 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound.
8:26 of 2nd period - Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
8:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Nicolas Aube-Kubel.
8:40 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound.
8:42 of 2nd period - Shot by Nathan Gerbe.
8:42 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
8:43 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone.
9:35 of 2nd period - Shot by Mathias Emilio Pettersen.
9:35 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound.
9:36 of 2nd period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
10:56 of 2nd period - Shot by Devin Shore.
10:56 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
10:57 of 2nd period - Mathias Emilio Pettersen wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
11:08 of 2nd period - Shot by Devin Shore.
11:08 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
11:09 of 2nd period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Amos Cometes zone.
11:20 of 2nd period - Kevin Rooney is hit by Timothy Liljegren and loses puck.
11:42 of 2nd period - Kevin Rooney is hit by Rasmus Sandin.
11:46 of 2nd period - Shot by Jason Dickinson.
11:46 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:12 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Martin Kaut for High sticking.
12:13 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone.
12:16 of 2nd period - Shot by Jaycob Megna.
12:16 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Rasmus Sandin.
12:18 of 2nd period - Shot by Jaycob Megna.
12:18 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
12:19 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone.
12:36 of 2nd period - Shot by Jaycob Megna.
12:36 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
12:37 of 2nd period - Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
12:37 of 2nd period - Daniel Sprong is hit by Nathan Gerbe.
12:54 of 2nd period - Shot by Nathan Gerbe.
12:54 of 2nd period - Deflect By Nicolas Aube-Kubel.
12:54 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
12:55 of 2nd period - Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
14:20 of 2nd period - Shot by Martin Kaut.
14:20 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound.
14:21 of 2nd period - Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
14:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Dylan Holloway.
14:26 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:28 of 2nd period - Shot by Simon Holmstrom.
14:28 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound.
14:29 of 2nd period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
14:43 of 2nd period - Jaycob Megna is hit by Timothy Liljegren and loses puck.
14:53 of 2nd period - Icing by Timothy Liljegren.
14:54 of 2nd period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
15:07 of 2nd period - Nicolas Aube-Kubel is hit by Cole Perfetti and loses puck.
15:17 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Ty Smith for Hooking.
15:18 of 2nd period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Jasper Weatherby in Amos Cometes zone.
16:13 of 2nd period - Shot by Dennis Cholowski.
16:13 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:15 of 2nd period - Shot by Nathan Gerbe.
16:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
16:16 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jasper Weatherby in Amos Cometes zone.
16:26 of 2nd period - Shot by Nicolas Aube-Kubel.
16:26 of 2nd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
16:27 of 2nd period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone.
16:46 of 2nd period - Shot by Kevin Bahl.
16:46 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:48 of 2nd period - Shot by Jason Dickinson.
16:48 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
17:25 of 2nd period - Icing by Dennis Cholowski.
17:26 of 2nd period - Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
17:26 of 2nd period - Alex Belzile is hit by Lukas Elvenes.
17:31 of 2nd period - Ben Harpur is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck.
17:33 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Ty Smith for Holding Stick.
17:34 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone.
17:40 of 2nd period - Shot by Ben Harpur.
17:40 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Madison Bowey.
17:58 of 2nd period - Shot by Dennis Cholowski.
17:58 of 2nd period - Deflect By Nicolas Aube-Kubel.
17:58 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
18:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Nicolas Aube-Kubel.
18:00 of 2nd period - Goal by Nicolas Aube-Kubel - Amos Cometes : 1 - Trois-Rivieres Lions : 2.
18:01 of 2nd period - Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone.
18:14 of 2nd period - Shot by Martin Kaut.
18:14 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound.
18:15 of 2nd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Tyler Madden in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
18:17 of 2nd period - Jaycob Megna is hit by Noel Gunler and loses puck.
19:00 of 2nd period - Shot by Martin Kaut.
19:00 of 2nd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound.
19:01 of 2nd period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
19:21 of 2nd period - Off-side.
19:22 of 2nd period - Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Simon Holmstrom in neutral zone.
19:26 of 2nd period - Carsen Twarynski is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck.
19:42 of 2nd period - Carsen Twarynski is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck.
19:58 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Rafael Harvey-Pinard for Roughing.
19:58 of 2nd period - Minor Penalty to Madison Bowey for Holding.
19:59 of 2nd period - Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone.
Goals for this period are 1 for Amos Cometes vs 1 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.
Shots for this period are 8 for Amos Cometes vs 12 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in neutral zone.
0:22 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
0:22 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Kevin Bahl.
0:51 of 3rd period - Icing by Rasmus Sandin.
0:52 of 3rd period - Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Brett Howden in Amos Cometes zone.
1:02 of 3rd period - Icing by Ben Harpur.
1:03 of 3rd period - Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
1:23 of 3rd period - Icing by Ben Harpur.
1:24 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
1:48 of 3rd period - Icing by Ben Harpur.
1:49 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jasper Weatherby in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
2:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Lukas Elvenes.
2:18 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound.
2:27 of 3rd period - Off-side.
2:28 of 3rd period - Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone.
2:42 of 3rd period - Icing by Brett Howden.
2:43 of 3rd period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
3:03 of 3rd period - Icing by Ty Smith.
3:04 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Tyler Madden in Amos Cometes zone.
3:16 of 3rd period - Icing by Ben Harpur.
3:17 of 3rd period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
4:20 of 3rd period - Icing by Jacob Bernard-Docker.
4:21 of 3rd period - Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone.
4:21 of 3rd period - Jacob Bernard-Docker is hit by Jason Dickinson and loses puck.
4:26 of 3rd period - Shot by Brett Howden.
4:26 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Jacob Bernard-Docker.
4:28 of 3rd period - Shot by Jason Dickinson.
4:28 of 3rd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound.
4:43 of 3rd period - Jason Dickinson is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck.
5:01 of 3rd period - Off-side.
5:02 of 3rd period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in neutral zone.
5:42 of 3rd period - Shot by Carsen Twarynski.
5:42 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Timothy Liljegren.
6:11 of 3rd period - Shot by Daniel Sprong.
6:11 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound.
7:16 of 3rd period - Shot by Brett Howden.
7:16 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Ty Smith.
7:18 of 3rd period - Shot by Jaycob Megna.
7:18 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
9:57 of 3rd period - Nicolas Aube-Kubel is hit by Timothy Liljegren and loses puck.
10:08 of 3rd period - Shot by Lukas Reichel.
10:08 of 3rd period - Deflect By Daniel Sprong.
10:08 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
10:10 of 3rd period - Shot by Timothy Liljegren.
10:10 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nathan Gerbe.
11:20 of 3rd period - Icing by Brett Howden.
11:21 of 3rd period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
11:36 of 3rd period - Shot by Tyler Madden.
11:36 of 3rd period - Deflect By Jasper Weatherby.
11:36 of 3rd period - Goal by Jasper Weatherby - Amos Cometes : 2 - Trois-Rivieres Lions : 2.
11:37 of 3rd period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in neutral zone.
12:02 of 3rd period - Shot by Jason Dickinson.
12:02 of 3rd period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound.
12:43 of 3rd period - Icing by Jasper Weatherby.
12:44 of 3rd period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone.
12:44 of 3rd period - Tyler Madden is hit by Carsen Twarynski.
12:47 of 3rd period - Icing by Rasmus Sandin.
12:48 of 3rd period - Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Tyler Madden in Amos Cometes zone.
13:16 of 3rd period - Icing by Rasmus Sandin.
13:17 of 3rd period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone.
13:19 of 3rd period - Icing by Jasper Weatherby.
13:20 of 3rd period - Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone.
14:15 of 3rd period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
14:15 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound.
14:33 of 3rd period - Icing by Ty Smith.
14:34 of 3rd period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Rafael Harvey-Pinard in Amos Cometes zone.
14:34 of 3rd period - Cole Perfetti is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel.
15:26 of 3rd period - Shot by Martin Kaut.
15:26 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Rafael Harvey-Pinard.
15:28 of 3rd period - Shot by Martin Kaut.
15:28 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
15:35 of 3rd period - Shot by Dylan Holloway.
15:35 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nicolas Aube-Kubel.
15:37 of 3rd period - Shot by Martin Kaut.
15:37 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Nathan Gerbe.
15:50 of 3rd period - Jacob Bernard-Docker is hit by Nathan Gerbe.
17:04 of 3rd period - Jasper Weatherby is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck.
17:52 of 3rd period - Shot by Martin Kaut.
17:52 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
19:19 of 3rd period - Jasper Weatherby is hit by Kevin Bahl and loses puck.
19:22 of 3rd period - Shot by Jasper Weatherby.
19:22 of 3rd period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound.
19:34 of 3rd period - Icing by Carsen Twarynski.
19:35 of 3rd period - Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
19:35 of 3rd period - Timothy Liljegren is hit by Kevin Bahl and loses puck.
19:47 of 3rd period - Off-side.
19:48 of 3rd period - Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone.
Goals for this period are 1 for Amos Cometes vs 0 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.
Shots for this period are 5 for Amos Cometes vs 2 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.

Overtime #1

0:01 of 1st overtime period - Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in neutral zone.
0:08 of 1st overtime period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
0:08 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound.
0:52 of 1st overtime period - Martin Kaut is hit by Jason Dickinson and loses puck.
2:27 of 1st overtime period - Shot by Lukas Reichel.
2:27 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound.
2:28 of 1st overtime period - Lukas Reichel wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.
3:31 of 1st overtime period - Cole Perfetti is hit by Alex Belzile and loses puck.
4:02 of 1st overtime period - Off-side.
4:03 of 1st overtime period - Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone.
4:05 of 1st overtime period - Off-side.
4:06 of 1st overtime period - Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone.
4:12 of 1st overtime period - Icing by Rasmus Sandin.
4:13 of 1st overtime period - Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone.
4:19 of 1st overtime period - Martin Kaut is hit by Ben Harpur and loses puck.
4:30 of 1st overtime period - Shot by Brett Howden.
4:30 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound.
4:31 of 1st overtime period - Rafael Harvey-Pinard wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone.
4:54 of 1st overtime period - Shot by Cole Perfetti.
4:54 of 1st overtime period - Deflect By Daniel Sprong.
4:54 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound.
4:56 of 1st overtime period - Shot by Ty Smith.
4:56 of 1st overtime period - Shot Misses the Net.
Goals for this period are 0 for Amos Cometes vs 0 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.
Shots for this period are 3 for Amos Cometes vs 1 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.


5:00 of 1st overtime period - Round #1.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Amos Cometes, Daniel Sprong.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Trois-Rivieres Lions, Jason Dickinson.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Round #2.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Amos Cometes, Cole Perfetti.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Goal by Cole Perfetti.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Trois-Rivieres Lions, Kevin Rooney.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Mikhail Berdin.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Round #3.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Amos Cometes, Jasper Weatherby.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Trois-Rivieres Lions, Devin Shore.
5:00 of 1st overtime period - Shot Misses the Net.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Shot by Lukas Reichel. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Bahl for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Jaycob Megna moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jason Dickinson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Cole Perfetti moves puck in neutral zone. Cole Perfetti moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Cole Perfetti. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Dylan Holloway. Pass by Dylan Holloway intercepted by Devin Shore. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Nathan Gerbe moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Ben Harpur moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Ben Harpur. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in neutral zone. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Madison Bowey. Madison Bowey moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Madison Bowey loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Madison Bowey for Amos Cometes. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Alex Belzile. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Pass to Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Minor Penalty to Madison Bowey for Holding. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Jason Dickinson.

Time : 2. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Shot by Jaycob Megna. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Brett Howden. Shot by Brett Howden. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Dickinson for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Jason Dickinson. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Martin Kaut. Puck retreived by Ben Harpur. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in neutral zone. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Devin Shore.

Time : 3. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Reichel are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Harpur in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Ben Harpur. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Lukas Reichel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Lukas Reichel. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Ty Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Bahl. Puck retreived by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jasper Weatherby. Puck retreived by Brett Howden. Pass to Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Jaycob Megna moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Jason Dickinson moves puck in neutral zone. Jason Dickinson moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Jason Dickinson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Belzile for Trois-Rivieres Lions.

Time : 4. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Rafael Harvey-Pinard loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Carsen Twarynski for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Icing by Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Devin Shore is ejected from face-off, Nathan Gerbe takes his place. Mathias Emilio Pettersen is ejected from face-off, Lukas Elvenes takes his place. Nathan Gerbe wins face-off versus Lukas Elvenes in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Devin Shore for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Pass to Madison Bowey. Icing by Madison Bowey. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Dennis Cholowski.

Time : 5. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Rafael Harvey-Pinard loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rafael Harvey-Pinard for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Linus Sandin. Pass to Madison Bowey. Madison Bowey moves puck in neutral zone. Madison Bowey loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Belzile for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Dennis Cholowski. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Linus Sandin. Pass by Linus Sandin intercepted by Kevin Bahl in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Jason Dickinson moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Jason Dickinson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Brett Howden. Shot by Brett Howden. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Brett Howden.

Time : 6. Pass by Brett Howden intercepted by Madison Bowey. Pass to Lukas Elvenes. Lukas Elvenes moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Lukas Elvenes intercepted by Kevin Bahl in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Lukas Elvenes in neutral zone. Pass by Lukas Elvenes intercepted by Jaycob Megna in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Brett Howden in neutral zone. Brett Howden moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Brett Howden. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Madison Bowey. Icing by Madison Bowey. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Shot by Nathan Gerbe. Goal by Nathan Gerbe - Amos Cometes : 0 - Trois-Rivieres Lions : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Rasmus Sandin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Amos Cometes. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Devin Shore.

Time : 7. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Dylan Holloway in neutral zone. Dylan Holloway moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Martin Kaut. Martin Kaut loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Belzile for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Kevin Bahl moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Bahl moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna.

Time : 8. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Bahl. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass by Brett Howden intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass to Simon Holmstrom in neutral zone. Simon Holmstrom moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Simon Holmstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Dennis Cholowski. Puck retreived by Noel Gunler. Pass by Noel Gunler intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Jason Dickinson. Pass to Brett Howden. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Brett Howden. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.

Time : 9. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Tyler Madden. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Tyler Madden. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Jasper Weatherby are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Carsen Twarynski. Pass by Carsen Twarynski intercepted by Daniel Sprong in neutral zone. Pass to Lukas Reichel in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Shot by Lukas Reichel. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jasper Weatherby for Amos Cometes. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Lukas Reichel loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Perfetti for Amos Cometes. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Cole Perfetti. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Unknown Player, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Carsen Twarynski. Pass by Carsen Twarynski intercepted by Noel Gunler in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Madden. Tyler Madden moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Noel Gunler. Shot by Noel Gunler. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Lukas Elvenes are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in neutral zone. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in Amos Cometes zone.

Time : 10. Pass to Devin Shore. Shot by Devin Shore. Shot Blocked by Lukas Elvenes. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Bahl for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass by Nicolas Aube-Kubel intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Jaycob Megna moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Kevin Bahl in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Bahl. Puck retreived by Rasmus Sandin. Rasmus Sandin is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Devin Shore in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl in neutral zone. Kevin Bahl moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Bahl. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Lukas Elvenes. Pass by Lukas Elvenes intercepted by Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Dennis Cholowski in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Icing by Dennis Cholowski. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Jason Dickinson moves puck in Amos Cometes zone.

Time : 11. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Brett Howden. Shot by Brett Howden. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Noel Gunler. Noel Gunler moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Noel Gunler intercepted by Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Ty Smith, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Tyler Madden in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Noel Gunler in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Ty Smith.

Time : 12. Pass to Tyler Madden. Shot by Tyler Madden. Deflect By Jasper Weatherby. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Alex Belzile is hit by Lukas Elvenes. Ben Harpur moves puck in neutral zone. Ben Harpur moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Alex Belzile. Alex Belzile is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Carsen Twarynski for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass by Carsen Twarynski intercepted by Linus Sandin. Pass to Madison Bowey. Madison Bowey moves puck in neutral zone. Madison Bowey moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Lukas Elvenes in neutral zone. Pass by Lukas Elvenes intercepted by Ben Harpur in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Lukas Elvenes. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Lukas Elvenes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Ben Harpur. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Amos Cometes zone.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Dennis Cholowski. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Nathan Gerbe in neutral zone. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Simon Holmstrom. Pass by Simon Holmstrom intercepted by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Nathan Gerbe is hit by Rasmus Sandin and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jaycob Megna. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Icing by Kevin Rooney. Jason Dickinson is ejected from face-off, Brett Howden takes his place. Cole Perfetti is ejected from face-off, Daniel Sprong takes his place. Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Brett Howden in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith.

Time : 14. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Brett Howden in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Noel Gunler. Pass by Noel Gunler intercepted by Nicolas Aube-Kubel in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in Amos Cometes zone. Shot by Nathan Gerbe. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Madison Bowey for Amos Cometes. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Jasper Weatherby moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jasper Weatherby. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Devin Shore. Puck retreived by Tyler Madden. Tyler Madden is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Aube-Kubel for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass by Nicolas Aube-Kubel intercepted by Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone.

Time : 15. Pass by Jasper Weatherby intercepted by Devin Shore in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jasper Weatherby. Puck retreived by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Devin Shore is hit by Tyler Madden and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Devin Shore for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Jaycob Megna. Icing by Jaycob Megna. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Brett Howden. Brett Howden moves puck in neutral zone. Brett Howden moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Brett Howden intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass to Lukas Reichel in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Lukas Reichel. Pass by Lukas Reichel intercepted by Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Jaycob Megna.

Time : 16. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Daniel Sprong. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Icing by Jaycob Megna. Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Shot by Martin Kaut. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Martin Kaut for Amos Cometes. Shot by Martin Kaut. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan Holloway for Amos Cometes. Shot by Dylan Holloway. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Ty Smith for Amos Cometes. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Kevin Bahl. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Simon Holmstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Simon Holmstrom. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney is hit by Dylan Holloway and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ty Smith for Amos Cometes. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Jason Dickinson. Pass to Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jaycob Megna. Puck retreived by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Jason Dickinson moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jason Dickinson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Lukas Elvenes.

Time : 17. Pass to Linus Sandin. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Pass to Linus Sandin. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Lukas Elvenes. Lukas Elvenes loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Ben Harpur. Ben Harpur moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Ben Harpur. Puck retreived by Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Pass to Linus Sandin in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Nathan Gerbe. Puck retreived by Lukas Reichel. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Timothy Liljegren is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Aube-Kubel for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe.

Time : 18. Shot by Nathan Gerbe. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Aube-Kubel for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Devin Shore for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Gerbe for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Nathan Gerbe. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Gerbe for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Nathan Gerbe. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Jacob Bernard-Docker moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Puck retreived by Alex Belzile. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Pass to Carsen Twarynski in Amos Cometes zone. Carsen Twarynski is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Amos Cometes. Pass to Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Jasper Weatherby loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ty Smith for Amos Cometes. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Tyler Madden. Pass by Tyler Madden intercepted by Alex Belzile. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Rafael Harvey-Pinard moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Alex Belzile. Alex Belzile is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Amos Cometes. Pass to Tyler Madden. Pass to Ty Smith in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.

Time : 19. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Alex Belzile. Icing by Alex Belzile. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Alex Belzile in neutral zone. Alex Belzile moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Alex Belzile. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Devin Shore are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Cole Perfetti. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Martin Kaut moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Kevin Rooney moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Madison Bowey. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Simon Holmstrom. Pass by Simon Holmstrom intercepted by Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Madison Bowey. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Madison Bowey. Pass to Dylan Holloway in neutral zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Amos Cometes vs 1 for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shots for this period are 3 for Amos Cometes vs 8 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Daniel Sprong is hit by Jason Dickinson. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Daniel Sprong in neutral zone. Pass by Daniel Sprong intercepted by Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Cole Perfetti in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Daniel Sprong in neutral zone. Pass by Daniel Sprong intercepted by Jaycob Megna in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Lukas Reichel in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Kevin Bahl moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Bahl moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Kevin Bahl. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Cole Perfetti moves puck in neutral zone. Cole Perfetti loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Amos Cometes. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Howden in Amos Cometes zone.

Time : 1. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Brett Howden. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Dylan Holloway. Pass by Dylan Holloway intercepted by Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Nathan Gerbe moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith. Ty Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Ben Harpur beats up Simon Holmstrom. Penalty to Ben Harpur for Fighting. Penalty to Simon Holmstrom for Fighting. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Alex Belzile. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Alex Belzile in neutral zone. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Rafael Harvey-Pinard moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Carsen Twarynski loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Belzile for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Madison Bowey.

Time : 2. Pass to Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Madison Bowey moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Noel Gunler. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Noel Gunler. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Alex Belzile. Icing by Alex Belzile. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Mathias Emilio Pettersen wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Carsen Twarynski. Icing by Carsen Twarynski. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Shot by Daniel Sprong. Shot Blocked by Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Free Puck Retrieved by Rafael Harvey-Pinard for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Minor Penalty to Daniel Sprong for Roughing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Kevin Bahl.

Time : 3. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Shot by Jason Dickinson. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Jaycob Megna, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Mathias Emilio Pettersen wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Cole Perfetti is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin for Amos Cometes. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in neutral zone. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Nicolas Aube-Kubel intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Minor Penalty to Nicolas Aube-Kubel for Holding. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Lukas Reichel, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson is ejected from face-off, Kevin Rooney takes his place. Kevin Rooney wins face-off versus Lukas Reichel in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Jason Dickinson moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Lukas Reichel. Pass by Lukas Reichel intercepted by Dennis Cholowski in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Kevin Rooney moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Jason Dickinson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Kevin Rooney loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Shot by Jason Dickinson. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Kevin Rooney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Kevin Rooney. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Rooney for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Rooney. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Kevin Bahl, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Icing by Rasmus Sandin. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Kevin Bahl, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Lukas Reichel wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Cole Perfetti moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 4. Cole Perfetti moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Bahl for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass by Brett Howden intercepted by Lukas Reichel. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Lukas Reichel. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Brett Howden in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Bahl. Puck retreived by Jasper Weatherby. Jasper Weatherby is hit by Brett Howden and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Dennis Cholowski. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Ty Smith in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Linus Sandin. Linus Sandin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Madison Bowey for Amos Cometes. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Linus Sandin. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Lukas Elvenes. Pass to Linus Sandin.

Time : 5. Pass to Lukas Elvenes. Shot by Lukas Elvenes. Goal by Lukas Elvenes - Amos Cometes : 1 - Trois-Rivieres Lions : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Lukas Reichel, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Puck retreived by Nathan Gerbe. Nathan Gerbe is hit by Dylan Holloway and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ty Smith for Amos Cometes. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Dylan Holloway. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Pass to Dylan Holloway. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Dylan Holloway in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Dylan Holloway. Puck retreived by Carsen Twarynski. Carsen Twarynski is hit by Martin Kaut. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Kevin Bahl in neutral zone. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Ty Smith in Amos Cometes zone.

Time : 6. Pass to Dylan Holloway in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Dylan Holloway. Puck retreived by Brett Howden. Icing by Brett Howden. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Noel Gunler. Pass by Noel Gunler intercepted by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Howden in Amos Cometes zone. Brett Howden loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Brett Howden. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Brett Howden. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Brett Howden. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin. Puck retreived by Dennis Cholowski. Dennis Cholowski is hit by Jasper Weatherby and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Alex Belzile in neutral zone. Alex Belzile moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Alex Belzile is hit by Rasmus Sandin and loses puck.

Time : 7. Double Minor Penalty to Rasmus Sandin for Roughing. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Madison Bowey, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Madison Bowey. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Daniel Sprong. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Cole Perfetti. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Harpur in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Ben Harpur. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Reichel are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Jaycob Megna moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Lukas Reichel.

Time : 8. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Cole Perfetti. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney is hit by Daniel Sprong and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ty Smith for Amos Cometes. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Madison Bowey, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Belzile, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Martin Kaut. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Alex Belzile in neutral zone. Alex Belzile moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Alex Belzile loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Shot by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Gerbe for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Nathan Gerbe. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Alex Belzile, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Alex Belzile. Alex Belzile loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Belzile for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Devin Shore.

Time : 9. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Madison Bowey. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Madison Bowey. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Pass to Alex Belzile in neutral zone. Alex Belzile moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Bahl. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Martin Kaut. Martin Kaut moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Martin Kaut. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Reichel are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Mathias Emilio Pettersen in neutral zone. Pass to Lukas Reichel in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Shot by Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Rafael Harvey-Pinard are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Dickinson for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard.

Time : 10. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Rooney. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Belzile, Nathan Gerbe, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Rafael Harvey-Pinard are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Cole Perfetti. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Madison Bowey, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Madison Bowey. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Madison Bowey. Puck retreived by Alex Belzile. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Madison Bowey. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Nathan Gerbe. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Carsen Twarynski, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Kevin Bahl in neutral zone. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in Amos Cometes zone. Nicolas Aube-Kubel loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Bahl for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Devin Shore. Shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Reichel are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Dennis Cholowski, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Nicolas Aube-Kubel, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Mathias Emilio Pettersen wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Lukas Reichel.

Time : 11. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Devin Shore, Unknown Player, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Lukas Reichel. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Brett Howden in neutral zone. Brett Howden moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Shot by Devin Shore. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Brett Howden. Brett Howden loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin for Amos Cometes. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney is hit by Timothy Liljegren and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Linus Sandin for Amos Cometes. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Howden in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney is hit by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Shot by Jason Dickinson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin for Amos Cometes. Pass to Lukas Elvenes in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone.

Time : 12. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Rooney loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Amos Cometes. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Minor Penalty to Martin Kaut for High sticking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Shot by Jaycob Megna. Shot Blocked by Rasmus Sandin. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Jaycob Megna. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Ty Smith. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in neutral zone. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Shot by Jaycob Megna. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Daniel Sprong is hit by Nathan Gerbe. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Devin Shore. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in neutral zone. Nathan Gerbe moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Nathan Gerbe loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Shot by Nathan Gerbe. Deflect By Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Mathias Emilio Pettersen are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev.

Time : 13. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Jaycob Megna moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Daniel Sprong. Pass to Ty Smith in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Mathias Emilio Pettersen are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Devin Shore. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Devin Shore. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass by Jasper Weatherby intercepted by Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Ben Harpur.

Time : 14. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Ben Harpur. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Ty Smith in neutral zone. Pass to Dylan Holloway. Pass to Martin Kaut in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Shot by Martin Kaut. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound. Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Dylan Holloway. Shot by Dylan Holloway. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Holmstrom for Amos Cometes. Shot by Simon Holmstrom. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Ty Smith, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Jaycob Megna moves puck in neutral zone. Jaycob Megna moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Jaycob Megna is hit by Timothy Liljegren and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Icing by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Timothy Liljegren.

Time : 15. Pass to Ty Smith in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Ty Smith loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Gerbe for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in neutral zone. Nicolas Aube-Kubel is hit by Cole Perfetti and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Aube-Kubel for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Minor Penalty to Ty Smith for Hooking. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Jasper Weatherby in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Jasper Weatherby. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jasper Weatherby. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Jason Dickinson moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jaycob Megna. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin.

Time : 16. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Reichel are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Shot by Dennis Cholowski. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nathan Gerbe for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Nathan Gerbe. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jasper Weatherby in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Nathan Gerbe loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Shot by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass by Brett Howden intercepted by Madison Bowey. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Madison Bowey. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Shot by Kevin Bahl. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Dickinson for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Jason Dickinson. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone.

Time : 17. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jasper Weatherby. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Kevin Bahl moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Bahl moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Bahl. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Martin Kaut. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Pass to Ty Smith. Ty Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Icing by Dennis Cholowski. Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Alex Belzile is hit by Lukas Elvenes. Pass to Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Ben Harpur moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Ben Harpur is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Minor Penalty to Ty Smith for Holding Stick. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Nicolas Aube-Kubel loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Ben Harpur. Shot Blocked by Madison Bowey. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Shot by Dennis Cholowski. Deflect By Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Nicolas Aube-Kubel for Trois-Rivieres Lions.

Time : 18. Shot by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Goal by Nicolas Aube-Kubel - Amos Cometes : 1 - Trois-Rivieres Lions : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Alex Belzile is ejected from face-off, Rafael Harvey-Pinard takes his place. Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Simon Holmstrom. Pass to Martin Kaut. Shot by Martin Kaut. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Tyler Madden in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Jaycob Megna is hit by Noel Gunler and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Amos Cometes. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Noel Gunler. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Pass to Madison Bowey in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Martin Kaut.

Time : 19. Shot by Martin Kaut. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Brett Howden in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Dylan Holloway is ejected from face-off, Simon Holmstrom takes his place. Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Simon Holmstrom in neutral zone. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Carsen Twarynski moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Carsen Twarynski is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Carsen Twarynski for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Carsen Twarynski is hit by Madison Bowey and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Alex Belzile for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Alex Belzile. Minor Penalty to Rafael Harvey-Pinard for Roughing. Minor Penalty to Madison Bowey for Holding. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Amos Cometes vs 1 for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shots for this period are 8 for Amos Cometes vs 12 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.

3rd period

4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Kevin Bahl moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Daniel Sprong. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Shot Blocked by Kevin Bahl. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Daniel Sprong. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Jason Dickinson moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jason Dickinson. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin. Icing by Rasmus Sandin. Devin Shore is ejected from face-off, Brett Howden takes his place. Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Brett Howden in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Martin Kaut moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jasper Weatherby.

Time : 1. Pass by Jasper Weatherby intercepted by Ben Harpur. Icing by Ben Harpur. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. Daniel Sprong wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Ben Harpur. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Ben Harpur in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Daniel Sprong in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Ben Harpur. Icing by Ben Harpur. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Brett Howden. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Daniel Sprong. Pass to Ty Smith in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Ben Harpur. Icing by Ben Harpur. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jasper Weatherby in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Brett Howden. Brett Howden moves puck in neutral zone. Brett Howden moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Brett Howden. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Jaycob Megna in neutral zone.

Time : 2. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Madison Bowey in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Mathias Emilio Pettersen in neutral zone. Mathias Emilio Pettersen moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Kevin Bahl. Pass to Alex Belzile in neutral zone. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Madison Bowey. Pass to Lukas Elvenes in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Shot by Lukas Elvenes. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Rafael Harvey-Pinard for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass by Rafael Harvey-Pinard intercepted by Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Jaycob Megna in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Brett Howden. Icing by Brett Howden. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Noel Gunler. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass by Jasper Weatherby intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Brett Howden in neutral zone. Brett Howden moves puck in Amos Cometes zone.

Time : 3. Pass by Brett Howden intercepted by Ty Smith. Icing by Ty Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Tyler Madden in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Ty Smith in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Ben Harpur. Icing by Ben Harpur. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Lukas Reichel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Lukas Reichel. Puck retreived by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass by Devin Shore intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Timothy Liljegren.

Time : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in neutral zone. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Holmstrom. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Icing by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Jacob Bernard-Docker is hit by Jason Dickinson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Dickinson for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Brett Howden. Shot by Brett Howden. Shot Blocked by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Free Puck Retrieved by Jason Dickinson for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Jason Dickinson. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Jason Dickinson. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Jason Dickinson is hit by Ty Smith and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Simon Holmstrom in neutral zone.

Time : 5. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in neutral zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Alex Belzile. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Pass by Rafael Harvey-Pinard intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Tyler Madden. Pass to Noel Gunler. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Jasper Weatherby loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Amos Cometes. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Alex Belzile. Pass to Carsen Twarynski in neutral zone. Carsen Twarynski moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Shot by Carsen Twarynski. Shot Blocked by Timothy Liljegren. Free Puck Retrieved by Jasper Weatherby for Amos Cometes. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Noel Gunler. Noel Gunler moves puck in neutral zone. Noel Gunler loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin for Amos Cometes. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin.

Time : 6. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Daniel Sprong in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Lukas Reichel in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Shot by Daniel Sprong. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Perfetti for Amos Cometes. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass by Cole Perfetti intercepted by Alex Belzile. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Alex Belzile. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Pass to Lukas Reichel in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Cole Perfetti. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl.

Time : 7. Kevin Bahl moves puck in neutral zone. Kevin Bahl moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Jason Dickinson loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Kevin Bahl for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Brett Howden. Shot by Brett Howden. Shot Blocked by Ty Smith. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shot by Jaycob Megna. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jaycob Megna for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jaycob Megna. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Devin Shore. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass by Nicolas Aube-Kubel intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Ben Harpur. Puck retreived by Lukas Elvenes. Pass by Lukas Elvenes intercepted by Nicolas Aube-Kubel in neutral zone. Pass by Nicolas Aube-Kubel intercepted by Ty Smith in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Linus Sandin in neutral zone. Pass by Linus Sandin intercepted by Dennis Cholowski.

Time : 8. Pass to Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Devin Shore. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Linus Sandin. Linus Sandin moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Kevin Rooney. Pass to Brett Howden in neutral zone. Brett Howden moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Brett Howden. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Dylan Holloway. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Martin Kaut.

Time : 9. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Timothy Liljegren. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Madden. Tyler Madden moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Jasper Weatherby loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jasper Weatherby for Amos Cometes. Pass to Noel Gunler. Pass to Tyler Madden. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Tyler Madden. Pass to Madison Bowey. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jasper Weatherby. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Lukas Reichel. Pass by Lukas Reichel intercepted by Devin Shore. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in neutral zone. Nicolas Aube-Kubel moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Nicolas Aube-Kubel is hit by Timothy Liljegren and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Lukas Reichel for Amos Cometes.

Time : 10. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Daniel Sprong moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Lukas Reichel in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Shot by Lukas Reichel. Deflect By Daniel Sprong. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Amos Cometes. Shot by Timothy Liljegren. Shot Blocked by Nathan Gerbe. Free Puck Retrieved by Rasmus Sandin for Amos Cometes. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Cole Perfetti. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Lukas Reichel are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in neutral zone. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Nathan Gerbe. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Holmstrom. Pass to Lukas Reichel in neutral zone. Lukas Reichel moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by Jaycob Megna. Pass to Kevin Bahl in neutral zone. Kevin Bahl moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Simon Holmstrom. Pass to Dylan Holloway in neutral zone. Pass by Dylan Holloway intercepted by Kevin Bahl.

Time : 11. Pass to Jaycob Megna in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Dylan Holloway. Pass by Dylan Holloway intercepted by Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jaycob Megna. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Holmstrom. Pass to Martin Kaut in neutral zone. Pass to Simon Holmstrom. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Simon Holmstrom. Puck retreived by Brett Howden. Icing by Brett Howden. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Tyler Madden. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Tyler Madden. Shot by Tyler Madden. Deflect By Jasper Weatherby. Goal by Jasper Weatherby - Amos Cometes : 2 - Trois-Rivieres Lions : 2. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Mathias Emilio Pettersen in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Linus Sandin. Pass by Linus Sandin intercepted by Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Pass to Brett Howden.

Time : 12. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Shot by Jason Dickinson. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Amos Cometes. Pass to Ty Smith. Ty Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Puck retreived by Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker in neutral zone. Pass to Linus Sandin in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Linus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Brett Howden. Pass by Brett Howden intercepted by Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Timothy Liljegren loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brett Howden for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Kevin Rooney moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jason Dickinson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Icing by Jasper Weatherby. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Tyler Madden is hit by Carsen Twarynski. Icing by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Alex Belzile wins face-off versus Tyler Madden in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass by Rafael Harvey-Pinard intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone.

Time : 13. Pass to Alex Belzile. Alex Belzile moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Icing by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Icing by Jasper Weatherby. Tyler Madden wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Jasper Weatherby in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Jasper Weatherby intercepted by Kevin Bahl. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Kevin Bahl moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Alex Belzile. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Jaycob Megna moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jaycob Megna. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Devin Shore are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren.

Time : 14. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Devin Shore moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Devin Shore loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dennis Cholowski for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jason Dickinson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Brett Howden, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Unknown Player are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Ty Smith. Icing by Ty Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Nathan Gerbe, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Rafael Harvey-Pinard in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Cole Perfetti is hit by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Daniel Sprong moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Ty Smith in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Cole Perfetti. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone.

Time : 15. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Nicolas Aube-Kubel intercepted by Madison Bowey. Pass to Simon Holmstrom. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass to Dylan Holloway in neutral zone. Pass by Dylan Holloway intercepted by Nathan Gerbe in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Rafael Harvey-Pinard moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Rafael Harvey-Pinard intercepted by Martin Kaut. Pass to Madison Bowey in neutral zone. Madison Bowey moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Shot by Martin Kaut. Shot Blocked by Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Free Puck Retrieved by Martin Kaut for Amos Cometes. Shot by Martin Kaut. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Madison Bowey for Amos Cometes. Pass to Martin Kaut. Martin Kaut loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan Holloway for Amos Cometes. Shot by Dylan Holloway. Shot Blocked by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Free Puck Retrieved by Martin Kaut for Amos Cometes. Shot by Martin Kaut. Shot Blocked by Nathan Gerbe. Free Puck Retrieved by Dylan Holloway for Amos Cometes. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Dylan Holloway. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Elvenes, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass by Rafael Harvey-Pinard intercepted by Lukas Elvenes in neutral zone. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Jacob Bernard-Docker is hit by Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Linus Sandin in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Lukas Elvenes.

Time : 16. Pass to Mathias Emilio Pettersen. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Linus Sandin. Linus Sandin loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jacob Bernard-Docker for Amos Cometes. Pass to Lukas Elvenes. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Lukas Elvenes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Reichel, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass by Rafael Harvey-Pinard intercepted by Lukas Reichel. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Pass to Daniel Sprong in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Cole Perfetti loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Amos Cometes. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Daniel Sprong. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Lukas Elvenes are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Nathan Gerbe. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone. Pass to Tyler Madden in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Jasper Weatherby loses puck.

Time : 17. Free Puck Retrieved by Tyler Madden for Amos Cometes. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Jasper Weatherby is hit by Unknown Player and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Madison Bowey for Amos Cometes. Pass by Madison Bowey intercepted by Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in neutral zone. Pass by Nathan Gerbe intercepted by Madison Bowey in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Tyler Madden in neutral zone. Tyler Madden moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Tyler Madden. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Nathan Gerbe. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Simon Holmstrom. Pass by Simon Holmstrom intercepted by Nathan Gerbe. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass by Nicolas Aube-Kubel intercepted by Simon Holmstrom in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Shot by Martin Kaut. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Simon Holmstrom for Amos Cometes. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Simon Holmstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Mathias Emilio Pettersen, Lukas Reichel, Linus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ty Smith, Jacob Bernard-Docker are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Nathan Gerbe in neutral zone.

Time : 18. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Ben Harpur in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson. Jason Dickinson moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Jason Dickinson intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith. Ty Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Linus Sandin. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass by Ty Smith intercepted by Dennis Cholowski. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Lukas Reichel in neutral zone. Pass by Lukas Reichel intercepted by Brett Howden in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Pass to Jason Dickinson in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass by Jacob Bernard-Docker intercepted by Jason Dickinson. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jason Dickinson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Alex Belzile, Carsen Twarynski, Devin Shore are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Ty Smith in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Tyler Madden, Jasper Weatherby, Noel Gunler are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Madison Bowey are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass to Kevin Bahl in neutral zone. Kevin Bahl moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Devin Shore.

Time : 19. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Pass by Jaycob Megna intercepted by Madison Bowey. Pass to Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone. Jasper Weatherby moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Jasper Weatherby is hit by Kevin Bahl and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jasper Weatherby for Amos Cometes. Shot by Jasper Weatherby. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Noel Gunler for Amos Cometes. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Noel Gunler. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Rasmus Sandin, Timothy Liljegren are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Dylan Holloway in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Dylan Holloway. Puck retreived by Carsen Twarynski. Icing by Carsen Twarynski. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Perfetti, Lukas Elvenes, Daniel Sprong are on ice for Amos Cometes. Cole Perfetti wins face-off versus Alex Belzile in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Timothy Liljegren is hit by Kevin Bahl and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Amos Cometes. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Alex Belzile. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Dylan Holloway, Simon Holmstrom, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Unknown Player, Rasmus Sandin are on ice for Amos Cometes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Dylan Holloway wins face-off versus Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Martin Kaut. Puck retreived by Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Dylan Holloway in neutral zone. Pass by Dylan Holloway intercepted by Jason Dickinson in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Rooney.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Amos Cometes vs 0 for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shots for this period are 5 for Amos Cometes vs 2 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.

Overtime #1

4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Jason Dickinson, Kevin Rooney are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Jaycob Megna, Kevin Bahl are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jason Dickinson wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in neutral zone. Pass to Kevin Rooney. Pass by Kevin Rooney intercepted by Ty Smith. Pass to Cole Perfetti in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Perfetti for Amos Cometes. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Cole Perfetti. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass by Kevin Bahl intercepted by Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jaycob Megna. Puck retreived by Martin Kaut. Martin Kaut is hit by Jason Dickinson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jasper Weatherby for Amos Cometes. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass by Rasmus Sandin intercepted by Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jaycob Megna. Jaycob Megna moves puck in neutral zone. Jaycob Megna loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Martin Kaut for Amos Cometes. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Jasper Weatherby moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Jasper Weatherby. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Kevin Bahl. Pass to Kevin Rooney in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Kevin Rooney. Puck retreived by Daniel Sprong. Pass to Ty Smith in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Daniel Sprong. Pass to Cole Perfetti.

Time : 2. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Pass to Ty Smith. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Ty Smith. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Lukas Reichel, Lukas Elvenes are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Kevin Bahl. Pass to Jason Dickinson in neutral zone. Pass to Jaycob Megna in Amos Cometes zone. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Jaycob Megna. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Lukas Elvenes. Pass to Jacob Bernard-Docker. Jacob Bernard-Docker moves puck in neutral zone. Jacob Bernard-Docker moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Shot by Lukas Reichel. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Lukas Reichel wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Lukas Elvenes. Pass to Lukas Reichel. Lukas Reichel loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Brett Howden in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Devin Shore. Devin Shore loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Brett Howden.

Time : 3. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Brett Howden. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Alex Belzile, Rafael Harvey-Pinard are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Carsen Twarynski, Nicolas Aube-Kubel are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Free Puck Retrieved by Mikhail Berdin. Pass to Rasmus Sandin. Pass to Lukas Elvenes. Pass to Rasmus Sandin in neutral zone. Rasmus Sandin moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Rasmus Sandin. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Pass to Nicolas Aube-Kubel in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard. Pass to Alex Belzile. Pass by Alex Belzile intercepted by Timothy Liljegren. Pass by Timothy Liljegren intercepted by Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Pass to Alex Belzile. Puck is dumped in Amos Cometes zone by Alex Belzile. Puck retreived by Cole Perfetti. Cole Perfetti is hit by Alex Belzile and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Timothy Liljegren for Amos Cometes. Pass to Ty Smith. Ty Smith moves puck in neutral zone. Ty Smith moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Ty Smith loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Daniel Sprong for Amos Cometes. Pass to Ty Smith. Pass to Timothy Liljegren. Puck is dumped in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone by Timothy Liljegren. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Jasper Weatherby, Martin Kaut are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Jacob Bernard-Docker, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Puck retreived by Alexandar Georgiev. Pass to Carsen Twarynski. Pass by Carsen Twarynski intercepted by Jacob Bernard-Docker. Pass to Jasper Weatherby. Pass to Martin Kaut. Pass by Martin Kaut intercepted by Carsen Twarynski.

Time : 4. Pass to Rafael Harvey-Pinard in neutral zone. Off-side. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #2 - Devin Shore, Brett Howden are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Ben Harpur, Dennis Cholowski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Devin Shore in neutral zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Off-side. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #2 - Rasmus Sandin, Unknown Player are on ice for Amos Cometes. Devin Shore wins face-off versus Jasper Weatherby in neutral zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass by Dennis Cholowski intercepted by Rasmus Sandin. Icing by Rasmus Sandin. Jasper Weatherby wins face-off versus Devin Shore in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Martin Kaut. Martin Kaut moves puck in neutral zone. Martin Kaut moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Martin Kaut is hit by Ben Harpur and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ben Harpur for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Pass to Dennis Cholowski in neutral zone. Dennis Cholowski moves puck in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Brett Howden. Shot by Brett Howden. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin without a rebound. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Daniel Sprong, Cole Perfetti are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Defense Lineup #1 - Timothy Liljegren, Ty Smith are on ice for Amos Cometes. 4 vs 4 Forward Lineup #1 - Rafael Harvey-Pinard, Carsen Twarynski are on ice for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Rafael Harvey-Pinard wins face-off versus Daniel Sprong in Amos Cometes zone. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass to Dennis Cholowski. Pass to Ben Harpur. Pass by Ben Harpur intercepted by Cole Perfetti. Pass to Timothy Liljegren in neutral zone. Timothy Liljegren moves puck in Trois-Rivieres Lions zone. Pass to Cole Perfetti. Shot by Cole Perfetti. Deflect By Daniel Sprong. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ty Smith for Amos Cometes. Shot by Ty Smith. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Perfetti for Amos Cometes.

Time : 5. End of Overtime Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Amos Cometes vs 0 for Trois-Rivieres Lions. Shots for this period are 3 for Amos Cometes vs 1 for Trois-Rivieres Lions.


Round #1. Amos Cometes, Daniel Sprong. Shot Misses the Net. Trois-Rivieres Lions, Jason Dickinson. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin. Round #2. Amos Cometes, Cole Perfetti. Goal by Cole Perfetti. Trois-Rivieres Lions, Kevin Rooney. Stopped by Mikhail Berdin. Round #3. Amos Cometes, Jasper Weatherby. Stopped by Alexandar Georgiev. Trois-Rivieres Lions, Devin Shore. Shot Misses the Net.